I open ATo and he 3bets. I defend and see an A-high flop. He fires each street, and I just call him down with my pair of aces. He shows down QTo for Q-high on the river after shoving in his stack, and I rake in the 290bb pot.
At this point he starts telling me that I'm owning him and that he should quit me, but he keeps playing.
In a few hands I open with AA and he 3bets. I just call and we see a dry flop. He cbets and I raise. He 3-bet shoves and I call. He has an oesd which hits on the turn, and he drags a 200bb pot.
This chat then happens:
- i call the guy down and drag a big pot
- he starts talking about how i'm owning him
- he asks me whether i'm on 2p2 and recognizes my sn from a thread i made about my $1k day (see last post)
- he sucks out in a 200bb pot and quits me
- he tells me that we used to play on AP where he repeatedly called me a fish/donkey/etc but he now respects my game
- he wants me to do an interview for his poker podcast
You forgot to mention the part where O c/r bluffed the river and showed
True, that was a good bluff. I folded tp after tanking for a bit iirc. nh.
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